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Extract from The Project


RedNeedle Productions presents The Project

Written & produced by Ian Buckley

'The Project', Ian Buckley's latest powerful play, presented by RedNeedle Productions at The White Bear Theatre, March 5th - 23rd 2019.

Jewish cabaret artists interned in Westerbork Camp hope their shows will help them avoid the weekly transport to the East.

Peter proposes escape from the camp to Anna. Anna is torn.

PETER:    Come with me Anna?


ANNA:    Seeing as it’s all a fantasy I will. 


PETER:    Say it’s real? (ANNA TROUBLED) If you love me you’ll say yes. 


ANNA:    If I do I’ll leave loved-ones behind.


PETER:    That’s the choice.


ANNA:    My love for you would mean more than my love for them.


PETER:    Different not more. 


ANNA:    Just go. 


PETER:    With you? 


ANNA:    No.


PETER:   Because you can easily do without me?


ANNA:    I can’t.   


PETER:   Then why aren’t you begging me to stay?


ANNA:    I would if I was selfish. You’re part of me, part of my life here. No you must go. You can. You’re not tied down. If you’ve really got a plan follow it. Go with my love. 


PETER:    If you’re not with me I’ll go without my love.


ANNA:    I’ll be with you in spirit - guarding you, hiding you.


PETER:    Please come with me Anna. 


ANNA:    Anyway I’m hopeless at crawling and running. I’d hold you back. 


PETER:    I’d carry you. And then we’d have bikes.


ANNA:    In this day-dream of yours?


PETER:    (AFTER A BIT) Say I did go? What about the people I left here? We know what happens to the friends and family of people who try and escape.


ANNA:    Artistes are an exception to the rules. What happens to others doesn’t to them.


PETER:    Performers have been sent away on transports. 


ANNA:    If you have a plan worked out, follow it. Your friends can take care of themselves.  

PETER:    Are you saying I should go? Even if it causes problems for others?


ANNA:    I am. With all my heart.


PETER:    Say I ask one last time, ‘Will you join me?’ 


ANNA:    ...(SHE STANDS) I’ll say I hope you make it.  I’d end up with a ‘till-we-meet-again’ moment... (THEY KISS PASSIONATELY) 


PETER:    Anna if you tell me you love me as much as I love you, I’ll stay. My word. I’d stay with a warm heart and total happiness. So say it? Will you? Please? 




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